SpanSet (UK) Ltd
SpanSet UK is part of the SpanSet International Group of Companies who manufacture and design load control equipment, lifting systems and a comprehensive range of height safety equipment including harnesses, lanyards and the Gotcha Range of rescue equipment. Based upon our commitment to quality it is SpanSet’s aim to provide training and support for all our products and techniques. By specialising in all areas, SpanSet are able to address customer requirements more effectively.
Based on a modular approach, SpanSet provide quality assured training packages for individuals and groups, either at our training school here in Cheshire or if facilities allow at a venue selected by the client. SpanSet training courses ensure that trainees can learn in safety, with carefully controlled conditions and expert tuition.
SpanSet (UK) Limited
Telford Way
CW10 0HX
Tel: 01606 737494
Fax: 01606 737502